IEMA Reminds People About Weather Alert Radio Contest
Tuesday night tornadoes highlight need for warning devices
SPRINGFIELD – Nearly 50 weather warnings were issued Tuesday evening across the northern half of Illinois, including 19 tornado warnings. Several tornado touchdowns were reported, resulting in damage to dozens of structures. Fortunately, it appears no serious injuries or deaths resulted from the storms.
James K. Joseph, director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), said yesterday’s severe weather outbreak serves as a vivid reminder that people need to have a way to receive severe weather warnings any time of the day or night, such as with a weather alert radio. Joseph added that Illinois residents currently have an opportunity to win one of 100 weather alert radios to be awarded through an online contest.
The ‘Weather Alert Radios Save Lives’ contest, sponsored by IEMA and the Illinois Emergency Services Management Association (IESMA), is available on the Ready Illinois website at Participants will be registered for a random drawing for the radios after reading information about weather alert radios and successfully completing a five-question quiz.
The contest runs through March 31. Winners will be announced in April. The radios were purchased by IESMA as part of an effort to increase the use of the devices in communities throughout Illinois.
"Weather alert radios can be a real lifesaver when tornadoes or severe weather strike," said Joseph. "Just like a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide detector, a weather radio puts out a loud, distinctive tone that alerts you to the approaching hazard and give you time to get to a safe place."
More information about severe weather preparedness is available at
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