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Faith-based Preparedness
Congregation Preparedness
Disasters can happen at any time and anywhere. Faith leaders have the unique ability to reach their attendees and members on a personal level, where government messages may not always be able to reach. Faith leaders are encouraged to highlight the importance of personal preparedness to their congregation. Below are some links and documents containing key preparedness information:
Ready Illinois Links:
Other Links:
Facility Preparedness
It is important to focus not only on personal preparedness, but also on facility preparedness. When a disaster strikes, will you and your staff be able to handle the effects on your facility, congregation, and community?
Faith leaders are encouraged to establish relationships with local emergency agencies. Making connections now will ensure that you and your community understand each other's needs in an emergency. Below are some links to help you plan and prepare:
- DHS Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships
- Disaster Tip Sheets for U.S. Religious Leaders (NDIN)
- Guide for Developing High-Quality EOPs for Houses of Worship (PDF)
- House of Worship Emergency Plan Sample (PDF)
- National Disaster Interfaiths Network (NDIN)
- Public Health Planning for Faith Communities (PDF)
- Secure Community Network - Institutional Security
- Trainings, Workshops & Seminars (NDIN)