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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

In the ongoing effort to support our local, county, and state partners, IEMA will provide information and specifics to coordinate current information:

  • Presidential Disaster Declaration for Cook, Fulton, Henry, St. Clair, Washington, Will, and Winnebago Counties in Illinois for severe weather in July 2024
  • Presidential Disaster Declaration for St. Clair County in Illinois for flooding for 2022
  • Presidential Disaster Declaration for Cook County in Illinois for severe weather in June/July 2023
  • The State of Illinois Disaster Proclamation for the Asylum Seekers in Illinois

Local Officials

Local officials in Illinois have a wide range of responsibilities, perhaps the most important of which is ensuring the safety of the public. The State of Illinois has many resources available to assist local officials in this critical task. This section of the Ready Illinois website provides information about critical preparedness, response and recovery issues that need to be understood by public officials prior to, during and after a disaster or other emergency. Local officials are encouraged to bookmark this page for easy reference and to regularly check out the Ready Illinois homepage for further information on current and upcoming events and programs. In addition, the Plan and Prepare, Hazards, and After a Disaster sections of Ready Illinois provide comprehensive information on preparedness, specific disasters, and the recovery process.

Ready to Respond Community Designation

IEMA began piloting the Ready to Respond Community Program in early 2015 with six communities around the State. On January 5, 2016, the City of Charleston, one of the pilot communities, was designated as the first Ready Community in Illinois. The Ready Community Program will be rolled out statewide in early 2016. If you would like more information on this program or are interested in applying, please contact Abby Donaldson at

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What level of NIMS training is required for elected officials?

The National Integration Center (NIC) strongly recommends that all elected officials who will be interacting with multiple jurisdictions and agencies during an incident at the minimum complete IS-700: NIMS, An Introduction and ICS-100: Introduction to ICS. These courses provide a basic understanding of the National Incident Management System and the Incident Command System. Everyone directly involved in managing an emergency should understand the command reporting structures, common terminology, and roles and responsibilities inherent to a response operation.

2. What is the role of Elected and Appointed Officials during an incident?

Elected and appointed officials are responsible for ensuring the public safety and welfare of the people of that jurisdiction. Specifically, these officials provide strategic guidance and resources during preparedness, response, and recovery efforts. Elected or appointed officials must have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities for successful emergency management and response. At times, these roles may require providing direction and guidance to constituents during an incident, but their day-to-day activities do not focus on emergency management and response. Their awareness of NIMS is critical to ensuring cooperative response efforts and minimizing the incident impacts. One of the first things any elected official should know and understand is the Disaster Declaration Process.

3. How do I apply for grant funding through the Illinois Terrorism Task Force?

To learn about potential funding, please review the funding opportunities detailed under the Homeland Security Grant Opportunities section of the ITTF website. Additionally, first responder organizations should work through their disciplines' mutual aid organizations, e.g. ILEAS for law enforcement, MABAS for fire, and IESMA for emergency management. The ITTF prioritizes funding for projects identified by its 16 committees.

4. How much U.S. Department of Homeland Security funding has Illinois received to date?

Since 1999, Illinois has received more than $1 billion in federal preparedness funding. For annual award and expenditure totals, please view the ITTF Annual Reports listed in the Publications section of the ITTF website.

5. As an Elected Official, how can I encourage citizens to be prepared for an incident?

Residents and all sectors of the community have a critical role and shared responsibility to take appropriate actions to protect themselves, their families and organizations, and their properties. Planning that engages and includes the whole community serves as the focal point for building a collaborative and resilient community. Additionally, elected officials can use local government, school, municipality, and county websites as resources to link to information about personal preparedness. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency has a section of their website devoted to individual disaster planning. Businesses should also be encouraged to have emergency plans to allow them to quickly recover from an incident. FEMA's website offers emergency preparedness tips for the private sector.



Whether you are a local official interested in mutual aid partnerships or an administrator in charge of emergency planning for your organization, the sites below can help you plan and manage emergency responses of any magnitude.


Homeland Security Grant Opportunities

Emergency Preparedness Partners/Contacts