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In the ongoing effort to support our local, county, and state partners, IEMA will provide information and specifics to coordinate current information:

  • Presidential Disaster Declaration for Cook, Fulton, Henry, St. Clair, Washington, Will, and Winnebago Counties in Illinois for severe weather in July 2024
  • Presidential Disaster Declaration for St. Clair County in Illinois for flooding for 2022
  • Presidential Disaster Declaration for Cook County in Illinois for severe weather in June/July 2023
  • The State of Illinois Disaster Proclamation for the Asylum Seekers in Illinois

IEMA Highlights Flood Safety Awareness Week: March 11-15, 2019

Press Release – Monday, March 11, 2019

During Severe Weather Preparedness Month, IEMA urges all Illinois residents to be prepared for emergencies or disasters

SPRINGFIELD, IL -- Nearly every day, flooding happens somewhere in the United States. Flooding can cause more damage than any other weather-related event. As part of Severe Weather Preparedness Month, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and local emergency management officials are reminding residents that good preparation and knowing what to do in a flood can increase chances of survival when flooding occurs in your area. 

“We are monitoring rivers and streams across the state, and working with local governments to ensure Illinoisans are prepared for potential flooding this spring,” said Acting IEMA Director Alicia Tate-Nadeau. “Now is the time for all homeowners to prepare for potential flooding. Be aware of the flood risks in your community and know the steps to take to keep your family safe in the event of an emergency.”

Flood preparedness tips include: 

  • STAY INFORMED: Learn things you can do now to stay safe from flooding due to large storms. It's important to stay informed about what is happening with the storm as it approaches and always follow the instructions of local emergency management officials. NOAA Weather Alert Radios provide critical information in a timely manner on storms, hazards and emergencies.

  • TAKE PHOTOS: If you have contents coverage on your flood insurance policy and you haven't already done so, take photos of clothing, flooring, light fixtures, appliances, furniture, etc.--anything that could be damaged by the flood. Having this can help if you file a flood insurance claim later. If you're not sure what your flood insurance policy covers, call your insurance agent.

    • Make sure your sump pump is working. Then, install a battery-operated backup in case of power failure. 
    • Install a water alarm will also let you know if water is accumulating in your basement. 
    • Clear debris from gutters and downspouts. 
    • Raise and anchor service equipment and appliances (air conditioning units, water heaters, heat pumps, water meters) onto platforms so they are at least one foot above potential flood waters.

  • PROTECT VALUABLE DOCUMENTS: Store copies of irreplaceable documents (such as birth certificates, passports, insurance documents, deeds, etc.) in a safe, dry place. It can also be a good idea to photograph these documents and store the images in a safe place, too.

  • PREPARE YOUR FAMILY: Develop a family emergency plan and review it with all family members. Visit for step by step instructions on how to prepare for, survive and rebuild after any storm or emergency.

  • BE READY TO EVACUATE: Plan and practice a flood evacuation route. Ask someone out of state to be your “family contact” in an emergency, and make sure everyone knows the contact’s address and phone number.

  • PLAN FOR PETS AND ANIMALS: Make a pet and animal plan. Many shelters do not allow pets. Make plans now on what to do with your pets if you are required to evacuate your residence.

  • CHECK YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE: A flood insurance policy could protect you from the devastating expenses caused by flooding. Standard homeowners’ insurance does not cover flood damage. A flood policy takes 30 days to go into effect from application to payment, so taking action before a storm is recommended. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) protects policyholders financially even if they live in an area that did not qualify for federal disaster assistance. In fact, statistics show, insured survivors are able to recover quicker and more fully from a flood or other catastrophic event than their uninsured neighbors.

Another important safety tips during a flood is, “Turn Around, Don’t Drown,” which is intended to remind people to never drive on a flooded road. Most flood-related fatalities involve people in vehicles attempting to drive through a road covered with water. The speed and depth of the water is not always obvious, and as little as two feet of rushing water can sweep away most vehicles, including trucks and SUVs. 

For more information about flood preparedness, visit the Ready Illinois website at​.